Blog of Crud Generator


           CodeIgniter is a PHP MVC framework used for developing web applications rapidly. Codeigniter is one of the best lightweight developer-friendly frameworks for PHP. As it is an open-source application, it is free and is readily available, it is lightweight and extremely easy to use as well as to incorporate. The PHP framework of CodeIgniter helps the developers to program much faster and helps to improve the performance of the custom PHP applications. CI also comes up with an array of libraries that the developers can use for implementing new value-added features to a website in a seamless fashion.

Crud Generator

            CRUD is an acronym for the four basic operations: Create, Read, Update, Delete. A CodeIgniter CRUD application is one that uses forms to get data into and out of a database. Codeigniter crud generator functionality is added with the crud generator tool. crud generator can generate CodeIgniter crud functionality code with MySQL database query.All view pages(add,edit,view,delete) in CodeIgniter crud generated with bootstrap design.It generates create table query with crud functionality. You can generate a CodeIgniter crud example with your table name and input fields.

Benefits of Crud Generator
  • Generate Add, edit, view page
  • Creating Model, view, Controller files.
  • We can do Searching and filter by fields. 
  • Default Pagination
  • Default Export CSV/pdf
  • Left join. Search, Sort data from a foreign table
  • Important features are one - many & many - many relationships.       

Link Of Demo And Details

     Demo video

     Live DemoClick Here

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